Topics of expopharm 2024

Knowledge, inspiration and future-oriented impulses for the entire pharmacy team

Medizinisches Cannabis

Medical cannabis

Since the partial legalisation of cannabis and the resulting change in the German Narcotics Act, the role of pharmacies in patient care has changed. The simplification of prescribing medicinal cannabis, especially through the introduction of e-prescriptions, has led to an increase in private prescriptions. This development places new demands on pharmacies in terms of patient care.

Accordingly, medical cannabis will be the main topic of the programme on the pharma-world stage on Thursday, 10/10/2024. The presentations offer in-depth insights into the changed legal situation and its impact on everyday pharmacy work.

Learn more about the medical use of cannabis and how pharmacies can take a leading role in the care and counselling of their patients.

With the support of VCA e.V. VCA e.V.

Pharmazeutische Beratung

Pharmaceutical consulting

Pharmaceutical consulting is an important cornerstone of pharmacy practice. Therefore, it is crucial for effective and safe patient care. High-quality consulting boosts patient confidence and ensures treatment compliance.

Consequently, the certified pharma-world stage programme will be dedicated to pharmaceutical consulting, with topics covering a broad range of practice-relevant consulting fields over four days.

On Wednesday, 9/10/2024, the focus will be on diabetes, obesity and hypercholesterolaemia, including presentations on the latest treatment concepts and consulting strategies.

The programme on Thursday, 10.10.2024, will focus on menopause and present proven and innovative methods for treating symptoms.

Friday, 11/10/2024, will be dedicated to consultancy expertise in over-the-counter sales with particular focus on vaccination, OPC switch, ruminating thoughts and anxieties as well as healthy ageing.

On the Saturday of the trade fair, 12/10/2024, pharma-world will continue its long-standing tradition by focusing on dispensing/prescription. The programme will once again feature live prescription preparation on stage.

Seize this opportunity to bring your pharmaceutical expertise up to date and collect continuing education credits every day.

With the support of DAC/NRF DAC/NRF

Pharmazeutische Beratung


Driven by technological advances and the constant need for improved healthcare services, the pharmacy landscape is rapidly evolving. Consequently, innovative developments play a key role in pharmacies, as they raise the quality of patient care and simultaneously establish more efficient processes. To help you keep up, the inspirationLAB stage programme will present important aspects for the pharmacy of tomorrow.

The discussions and presentations on the topic of Pharmacy of the future on Wednesday, 9/10/2024, will demonstrate how pharmacists can use artificial intelligence and new technologies to benefit their business as well as their patients.

On Thursday, 10/10/2024, experts will discuss the current status of digitalisation and the need for action in the areas of telemedicine and telepharmacy, e-prescriptions, telematics infrastructure and electronic patient records.

On the same day, the topic of ‘pDL x Software’ will focus on the synergy between software solutions and pharmaceutical services (pDL). You will see how modern pharmacy software and tools can make these services as profitable and efficient as possible.

On Saturday, 12/10/2024, the final topic will be the Future pharmacy, highlighting the role of future generations in the pharmacy. Discussions with young pharmacists will focus on the challenges and opportunities awaiting the next generation of pharmacists.

You can look forward to inspiring presentations and exciting discussions that will provide you with valuable impulses for a future-proof pharmacy.

Pharmazeutische Beratung

Interdisciplinary collaboration

In a constantly evolving healthcare market, efficient collaboration between different stakeholders is crucial for optimising patient care. That is why the inspirationLAB stage programme on Friday, 11/10/2024, will be dedicated to the topic of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Experts from various sectors of the healthcare industry will shed light on how pharmacies can improve the quality of care for their patients through improved collaboration with other healthcare providers such as doctors, hospitals, nursing services and even technological and logistical partners.

You will gain valuable insights into how you can expand your professional practice through collaboration and establish effective partnerships in the healthcare sector.

Pharmazeutische Beratung

Leadership skills

Running a successful pharmacy requires skills that go far beyond routine management. The ability to lead a team effectively and think strategically is essential. The programme at the ApoLeadership Campus on Friday, 11/10/2024, and Saturday, 12/10/2024, will focus on teaching pharmacy owners and managers pharmacy-relevant leadership skills.

On Friday, the topic of Human resource management will focus on how to find and manage qualified employees. Discussions will also identify new roles within the pharmacy team to further advance the pharmacy in the future.

Industry experts will also discuss the topic of marketing and communication on Friday and showcase the current key marketing strategies and trends. They will present practical tips and quick wins to help managers improve their pharmacy’s external communication and boost customer loyalty.

On Saturday, the stage programme on the topic of ‘Pharmacists become entrepreneurs’ will deal with the question of how to run a pharmacy as a successful business.

You will gain deep insights into the industry’s best practices to effectively manage your pharmacy and significantly improve your market position.

Pharmazeutische Beratung

Business start-up

Owning your own pharmacy and running it successfully comes with unique challenges and opportunities. To make your life easier, the ApoLeadership Campus stage programme on Wednesday, 9/10/2024, and Thursday, 10/10/2024, will give you insights into the basics of setting up, successfully taking over and running a pharmacy in the long term.

What does it take to set up or take over a pharmacy? What skills do you need and what mindset is required to make this step as successful as possible? These questions will be the focus of the presentations and discussions on Wednesday.

On Thursday, industry experts will provide detailed insights into financial management (from taxes and financing to cash flow) in order to run a pharmacy safely and profitably. You will also learn how new business models can be established to successfully increase profitability. Practical tips from the speakers will show how stumbling blocks can be avoided and how innovative concepts can be successfully integrated.

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to understand the entrepreneurial side of setting up and running a pharmacy and to network with like-minded entrepreneurs and industry experts.